The next full moon is coming up, but this one will be particularly special.
The next full moon is coming up, but this one will be particularly special.
The Harvest Moon, which is the full moon closest to fall equinox, will rise next week, but this year's Harvest Moon is also going to be a supermoon and a partial lunar eclipse.
Adding to the excitement, two weeks later, the moon will cast its shadow on earth in an annular solar eclipse.
Here's what to expect:
The partial eclipse is Tuesday night and as of Friday sky conditions look clear enough to get a good view from the Chicago area. That being said, this will not be a remarkable lunar eclipse.
Most of the eclipse will be in the earth’s “penumbra”, or outer shadow. This means the moon will just look slightly darker. The inner shadow, or “umbra”, will create the partial lunar eclipse as it crosses the top right corner of the moon around 9:45 p.m. So if you want a quick glimpse, the best time to take a look will be between 9:40 p.m. and 9:50 p.m. Tuesday.
This year’s Harvest Moon will also be a supermoon; meaning the moon will be closest to earth in its elliptical orbit. The moon will be roughly 222,000 miles away from earth Tuesday. On the other side of its orbit, the moon is roughly 252,000 miles away.
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A solar eclipse always follows or precedes a lunar eclipse by two weeks. Many don't realize how common these are because the moon casts only a small shadow on earth that usually only a fraction of the planet gets to see. Lunar eclipses are visible just about everywhere it’s nighttime.
This solar eclipse is not a total eclipse like we saw in April earlier this year.
It’s an annular solar eclipse, which means the moon will not entirely block out the sun. This also means there is no safe time to remove solar eclipse glasses; they must stay on the entire time you’re viewing the eclipse.
So where can we see it?
The only state in the U.S. to get a view is Hawaii. Those in Hawaii will be able to see the beginning of the eclipse as the sun is rising. About half of the sun will be blocked by the moon at its peak from Hawaii. Sunrise time is 6:23 a.m. local time, and the maximum (partial) eclipse seen from Hawaii will be at 6:46 a.m.
The moon will fit inside the sun’s disc completely in a narrow line mostly over the south Pacific Ocean. The annular eclipse does cross over south Chile and Argentina.
We won’t be able to see a total eclipse in the U.S. until 2044 and 2045, and we won’t see a total solar from Chicago until Sept. 14, 2099.
But the next total lunar eclipse, or “blood moon,” visible from Chicago will be the night of March 13-14, 2025. The total eclipse (when the moon turns red) will last nearly an hour, and the eclipse from start to finish will be from around 11 p.m. until 5 a.m.