Northwestern University

Northwestern Students Accused of Stealing 4,500 COVID Test Kits From Campus

Thousands of COVID-19 test kits have been recovered from Northwestern University students who allegedly stole them from an Evanston campus dormitory.

About 4,500 Northwestern-owned COVID-19 test kits were stolen from a secure storage room in a common area of the Foster-Walker Complex at 1927 Orrington Ave., Northwestern University police said in a statement.

The burglary was reported 5 p.m. Monday. Most of the test kits were recovered from at least two Northwestern students, police said Tuesday. University spokesman Jon Yates declined to share more information or say if charges were filed.

Last year, two people stole COVID-19 test kits from a lab tech’s vehicle as she stopped for gas on the South Side on Chicago. The pair stole her car and, when she found the car later that night, the pair inside ran off but the five unused test kits in the trunk were missing.

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