A new primary record has been set as JB Pritzker is now spending $70 million on his campaign.
On Saturday, amidst St. Patrick’s Day festivities, Pritzker finally answered some questions from Chicago reporters about his off shore investments regarding several companies he created in the last 10 years, as detailed by the Chicago Tribune.
“I haven't moved any money off shore and I don't invest off shore, it's not a part of what I do," Pritzker said.
During the Downtown Chicago parade route, a banner that read “JB TELL THE TRUTH $$” flew across the sky.
This takes place a day after Pritzker added more than $6 million to his campaign.
“I think we want to send a different message," Kennedy expressed. "That a democracy is still alive in Illinois and in the U.S., all we have to do is reject the big money in politics on Tuesday."
Biss also commented on the matter and said, "JB Pritzker is trying to buy the election because Mike Madigan told him to."
In Palatine, Republican candidate for Governor Jeanne Ives showed out. Ives has seen a surge and democratic governors are running ads to help her.
“We have no problem being called a conservative, I’ve ran as a conservative, people know that about me,” she said.
According to Rauner however, “she’s weak; weak on Madigan, weak on taxes."
If the enthusiasm from this weekend’s parade translates into votes on Tuesday, we might just see quite a turnout.