Rahm Beats Karen Lewis in Latest Mayoral Poll

Poll shows Rahm beating potential opponent Karen Lewis by 12 points in mayoral race

A new poll shows Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel with a 12-point lead over Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis in a potential matchup between the two rivals.

The poll, obtained by Crain's Chicago Business from San Francisco-based pollster David Binder Research, surveyed 600 likely Chicago voters July 24-27.

The results showed Emanuel would beat Lewis 45-33 in a head-to-head matchup.

The poll showed nearly 1 in 4 undecided voters and a virtual tie between the two in the African-American and Latino communities.

The results contradict a We Ask America poll earlier this month that Lewis would beat Emanuel by 9 percentage points in a head-to-head contest if the mayoral election were held now.

Lewis is expected to make a final decision in August about whether she will challenge Emanuel. The Chicago mayoral election takes place February 2015.

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