
Some Metra suburban lines facing ‘extensive delays' due to police activity

Metra later went on to say that trains were running as much as 55 minutes behind schedule due to the "earlier police activity"


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Some west suburban Metra rains Monday afternoon were stopped and faced "extensive delays" due to police activity, Metra said in statements posted to social media.

The Metra UP-W line, which runs from Elburn to Ogilvy Transportation Center first posted about the delays at 11:33 a.m. Monday, saying "inbound and outbound train traffic will be halted due to police activity near Wheaton."

"Delay times are unknown," Metra went on to say.

About an hour later, Metra posted an update saying the tracks had been cleared as the police activity near Wheaton continued.

Metra went on to post an update at 1:12 p.m. saying trains were running approximately 50 minutes behind schedule "due to earlier police activity."

Wheaton Police did not immediately return NBC Chicago's request for more information.

This is a developing story that will be updated as more information becomes available.

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