Starbucks to Open New Concept Store in Englewood

The new Starbucks will be the first of its kind and joins Whole Foods as part of the “Englewood Square” development

First Whole Foods, now Starbucks -- Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood will soon see another major business development.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is expected to announce Thursday that Starbucks plans to open a new concept store in the area designed to hire and train underserved youth.

The store will open next to a Whole Foods Emanuel credits with turning the violence-stricken neighborhood into an “economic and job creation anchor for the South Side.”

The new Starbucks will be the first of its kind and joins Whole Foods as part of the “Englewood Square” development, which broke ground last year and is expected to open in 2016.

The businesses are part of more than $362 million in planned and completed public and private investment projects underway in Englewood, according to the mayor's office. Emanuel expects those projects will create or retain more than 4,140 jobs.

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