In drawing a new ward map, our aldermen had to call on their artistic sides. Their attempt to draw wards that contain roughly the same amount of residents, and comply with the Voting Rights Act, resulted in some pretty creative shapes. Ward Room has examined the new map, and here are some guesses at to what might have inspired the designs of the more irregular wards.
1st Ward: Lobster
2nd Ward: Character from video game “Tempest.”
4th Ward: Human digestive system
5th Ward: Rivet gun
6th Ward: Slaughtered pig
11th Ward: Vise
13th Ward: Flash Gordon death-ray gun
14th Ward: Goofy’s head
15th Ward: Pinwheel
17th Ward: Roadkill squirrel
20th Ward: Manta ray
23rd Ward: Mexican wrestling mask
24th Ward: Girl with a ponytail
28th Ward: Adjustable wrench
34th Ward: Easter Island stone head
36th Ward: The creature that jumped out of John Hurt’s chest in Alien.
41st Ward: Barbell
46th Ward: Lord Ganesh, the Hindu god of good fortune