Officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized multiple packages containing upwards of $136,000 in counterfeit currency at Chicago’s International Mail Facility, the department announced Monday.
According to a press release, officers at the IMF held two packages on Jan. 28 that had arrived from China. Upon inspecting the packages, officers determined that one of the parcels contained nearly 1,000 counterfeit $100 bills and 44 counterfeit $50 bills, adding up to nearly $98,000 worth of counterfeit currency.
Another package contained nearly $40,000 worth of phony currency, with $136,300 of counterfeit bills seized by the agency.
According to CBP, the bills were heading to Auburn Hills, Michigan and Independence, Missouri. The counterfeit bills were turned over to the US Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service.
No arrests were reported, and an investigation remains ongoing.