Donald Trump

Rev. Al Sharpton: President Trump Is the Same Blowhard I Knew in New York

"Now we have something approaching definite proof that not only is nothing going to change, this is a man incapable of change"

Taking the stage to chants of “USA! USA!” Donald Trump addressed both his supporters and the nation as the president-elect of the United States, noting that he received a call from Secretary Clinton conceding the race to him. He said she has worked very hard and long. “We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our…

A year after Donald Trump was elected president, activist and MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton took stock of Trump's tenure in an essay for NBC News' THINK opinion section:

As a native New Yorker, I have watched Donald Trump’s star rise and fall over the past 30 years. Over my long career as both an advocate and politician, I have spoken with, argued against, and counseled the last four U.S. presidents. I have, to varying degrees, marched, fought and celebrated with the Bush’s, Clintons and Obamas. And the conclusion I have come to is that Donald Trump’s temperament, intellect and emotional health make him wholly unqualified to serve as President of the United States of America.

This is not a new argument, I realize. Many people before me have said similar things. But now we have something approaching definite proof that not only is nothing going to change, this is a man incapable of change.

Whether vehemently disagreeing with President George W. Bush during the start of the Iraq war or pushing back against President Bill Clinton’s welfare reform policy, our arguments were based in subject matter, but never character. It was professional, not personal. In the Trump era, however, the opposite is true.

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