Three days before the Warren Commission Report was released to the public, it was released to President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Johnson created the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy seven days after the assassination in Dallas with the goal of evaluating all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the president's death.
The commission was comprised of Chief Justice Earl Warren, chairman and the following members:†
Members: Sen. Richard B. Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Rep. Hale Boggs, Rep. Gerald R. Ford, Mr. Allen W. Dulles, Mr. John J. McCloy, J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel.
Assistant Counsel: Francis W. H. Adams, Joseph A. Ball, David W. Belin, William T. Coleman, Jr., Melvin Aron Eisenberg, Burt W. Griffin, Leon D. Hubert, Jr., Albert E. Jenner, Jr., Wesley J. Liebeler, Norman Redlich, W. David Slawson, Arlen Specter, Samuel A. Stern, Howard P. Willens.
Staff Members: Phillip Barson, Edward A. Conroy, John Hart Ely, Alfred Goldberg, Murray J. Laulicht, Arthur Marmor, Richard M. Mosk, John J. O'Brien, Stuart Pollak, Alfredda Scobey, Charles N. Shaffer, Jr., Lloyd L. Weinreb.
Ten months after its creation, on Sept. 24, 1964, the Warren Commission delivered their findings to the president.
According to the National Archives, "The Collection contains 363 cubic feet of Warren Commission records. These records include transcripts of hearings; administrative and investigative documents created by the Commission's staff; documents sent to the Commission by U.S., State, and foreign government agencies; letters from members of the public; photographs; films; and several three-dimensional objects."†
In short, the findings were, "On the basis of the evidence before the Commission it concludes that Oswald acted alone" and that "The Commission has found no evidence that Jack Ruby acted with any other person in the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald."††
U.S. & World
Additionally, the commission found that there was no evidence to support a "conspiracy, subversion, or disloyalty to the U.S. Government by any Federal, State or local official."
†Source: Warren Commission Report - Members
††Source: Warren Commission Report - Summary and Conclusions