Donald Trump

Trump Defends Decision to Have Ivanka Sit in for Him at G-20

Trump tweeted a claim that Chelsea Clinton would be cheered if she'd done the same, the Clinton retorted

President Donald Trump is defending a decision to have his daughter briefly sit in for him at a table with world leaders at an international summit.

A Russian delegate tweeted a photo of Ivanka Trump in her father's seat at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, Saturday, sparking criticism from those who felt the move was inappropriate.

But German Chancellor Angela Merkel brushed it off, saying it was perfectly normal.

Trump tweeted Monday, "When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees!"

Trump also tweeted, "If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES!"

Clinton soon responded in a tweet by denying that her parents, Bill and Hillary Clinton, would have even thought of allowing her to sit in for them.

"Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not," she said.

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