Grizzly Detail proudly welcomes Hunter Hillenmeyer to the fold. The former Bears linebacker will share his unique take on everything Bear-related.
Hillenmeyer played for the Bears for seven seasons before concussions cut his season short in 2010. He filled in for Brian Urlacher after 54 injured his wrist in 2009, finishing the season with 90 tackles and 2.5 sacks. Over his career, Hillenmeyer made 384 tackles, seven sacks and two interceptions.
But his contributions to the Bears go well beyond the playing field. As the Bears longtime player representative to the union, Hillenmeyer has been on the frontlines of the union's ongoing negotiations with the owners over the collective bargaining agreement. He also served on the NFL's Traumatic Brain Injury Committee and the Player Safety and Welfare Committee.
We are happy to have Hillenmeyer as part of the team, as his experiences as a player and with the union will help our readers understand all of the NFL's big issues.