There are plenty of legendary Tim Tebow stories -- from third-world circumcisions to his post-loss promise -- but this might top them all. At SEC media day Thursday, Tebow was asked by FanHouse's Clay Travis if he was saving his virginity for marriage. Tebow's response was somehow both predictable a little bit shocking:
Responding to a question from radio reporters at SEC Media Days Thursday about whether he is saving himself for marriage, Tebow laughed initially and then said seriously, "Yes, I am."
When another reporter stumbled through and couldn't finish a follow-up question, the 21-year-old University of Florida quarterback laughed and said, "I think you're stunned right now. You can't even ask a question. ... I was ready for that question, but I don't think ya'll were."
It's not really surprising, considering Tebow's devout dedication to his religion, but, you know, he is the most popular college football player in the country. He attends Florida. We're not unwilling to say that he's a good-looking guy. Tebow could be putting up Wilt Chamberlain numbers if he so desired. And yet he waits. Most of us -- us humans down here -- can't even wait until we're 16.
It's a small, unimportant thing. It has very little to do with how Tim Tebow plays football. But it does contribute to the Tebow myth, which is that Tim Tebow is basically a better, more self-assured, person than anyone else in the world. There isn't a single chink in the armor. At least in terms of sportswriter fawning, Tim Tebow is perfect in every single way.
Speaking of which, we suddenly feel very worthless. We're going to go give some money to a homeless person, or something.
Eamonn Brennan is a Chicago-based writer, editor and blogger. You can also read him at Yahoo! Sports, Mouthpiece Sports Blog, and Inside The Hall, or at his personal site, Follow him on Twitter.