What Exactly Is This? ‘Unidentified Amarillo Object' Caught on Video in Texas

The city of Amarillo is trying to figure out what this is exactly. Can you help?

In the dark and early morning hours of May 21 (around 1:25 a.m.), security cameras inside a perimeter fence at the Amarillo Zoo captured a strange image outside the zoo. Photo courtesy of the city of Amarillo.
City of Amarillo

Something strange was recently spotted near the Amarillo Zoo.

On May 21, at about 1:30 in the morning, security cameras surrounding the zoo captured a peculiar image, to say the least.

The silhouette resembled several things.

Was it a zoo employee wearing a big hat? Or maybe a teenager dressed up in a wolf costume or perhaps a large coyote standing on its hind legs? Some have even suggested it was a Chupacabra.

For now, the zoo is calling it a UAO – Unidentified Amarillo Object.

City of Amarillo

City officials want their community to weigh in, too.

“It is definitely a strange and interesting image,” said Michael Kashuba, City of Amarillo (COA) Director of Parks and Recreation. “Maybe Amarillo can help solve the mystery of our UAO.”

The public is more than welcome to submit their own theories on the true identity of the UAO.

“It is [also] important to note that this entity was outside of the Amarillo Zoo,” according to Kashuba. “There were no signs of attempted entry into the zoo. No animals or individuals were harmed. There we no signs of criminal activity or vandalism.”

If you think you can crack the case, contact the COA communications office at publiccommunications@amarillo.gov.

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